Hello World

  • #example
  • #first
  • #post

Hello world!!! This is an example blog post showcasing some of the cool stuff this theme can do. Following is an example blog post written in an mdx file. You can find me @ demo/content/posts/my-first-post.mdx. Here you can add/update/delete details and watch the changes live when running in develop mode.

Using MDX to create blog pages

You can find out more about mdx and how to use it with Gatsby on mdxjs’s website, and here with Gatsby docs.

Using some markdown elements

Here we have a simple js code block.

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";

This is styled by Prism via a package from Theme UI.

You can choose your own preset from this package, currently it’s set to Dracula, in the shadowed file demo/src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js.

Importing images with mdx

Gatsby Theme Cactus uses another theme called Gatsby Theme Blog Core to read MDX files, and embedded images.

Early morning mountain range

I’m a simple block quote. I’m styled in the shadowed file ~ demo/src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js.